在英文站上提问了,就不翻译回中文了, 直接贴出来吧,大神们见谅。
Hi guys,
I was trying to run the Ubuntu 12.04 Precise on Cubieboard, i succeded.
And then I wanna open the hardware acceleration for both graphic(Mali 400) and video decoding(CedarX).
Now I am still on the first step(Graphic acceleration)
I compared the code and found that the latest kenerl from sunxi-bsp was integrated with xf86-video-mali r3p0 04rel0 kernel drivers, then I also built the libUMP and libMali by r3p0 04rel0 source code.
my question is, where is the source code for libEGL.so & libGLESv1_CM.so & libGLESv3.so?
They were existed in the linux-sunxi official released package, but I found that all of them was linked to libMali.so, and I failed to run any application using libEGL like glmark2-es2, even the test program under Mali-Libs, the error message was saying that "some referenced symbols not found on libEGL.so"(actually, it's libMali.so).
And then from this page 2D/3D Graphics Linux Demo (X11, EGL, GLES2, Qt4) on AllWinner A10 Tablet, somebody successfully opened the graphic acceleration, and he also provided a link for precompiled library files including real EGL&GLES , but it doesn't work on my machine, still some error message said that "some other referenced symbols was not found".
that's why i look for the source code...