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发表于 2013-4-25 18:20:39
lssebastian 发表于 2013-4-25 14:50
linaro是 类似ubuntu、dibian等 linux的一个版本么?想找一个linux2.6内核的镜像,是否可以实现? ...
1. linaro不是发行版。以下是引用自linaro官方的资料:
Linaro is not a Linux distribution. The organization provides great software and tools for distributions to pull from (including OEMs who want to develop an in-house Linux). Linaro's aim is to provide a common software and tools foundation for the industry to use - making it easier and quicker to develop Linux-based products. Linaro's software focus is on areas that interact directly with the silicon such as multimedia, graphics, power management, kernel and boot. Distributions such as Android, Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Tizen and Ubuntu provide the full user experience whereas Linaro enhances the upstream projects directly and provides useful components to any downstream distributions that wish to leverage the work done by Linaro.
Linaro supports organizations like the Linux Foundation, which aim to promote, protect and enhance the use of Linux across a broad range of platforms, but it is focused on solving engineering challenges and making it easier to use Linux on devices based on the ARM architecture and, in particular, on ARM Cortex processors.
https://github.com/linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi/tree/sunxi-2.6.36/ |