本帖最后由 简单 于 2013-8-3 07:39 编辑
- 2013-07-30 23:40:10.044958 ERROR - [HttpListenCommand.cc:115]IPv6 RPC: failed to bind port 6800
- Exception: [SocketCore.cc:310] errorCode=1 Failed to bind a socket, cause: 未知的名称或服务
- 2013-07-30 23:43:06.587394 ERROR - [HttpListenCommand.cc:115]IPv6 RPC: failed to bind port 6800
- Exception: [SocketCore.cc:310] errorCode=1 Failed to bind a socket, cause: 未知的名称或服务
- 2013-07-30 23:47:04.827537 ERROR - [HttpListenCommand.cc:115]IPv6 RPC: failed to bind port 6800
- Exception: [SocketCore.cc:310] errorCode=1 Failed to bind a socket, cause: 未知的名称或服务
- 2013-08-02 14:40:58.379851 ERROR - [HttpListenCommand.cc:115]IPv6 RPC: failed to bind port 6800
- Exception: [SocketCore.cc:310] errorCode=1 Failed to bind a socket, cause: 未知的名称或服务
- 2013-08-02 14:44:11.141573 ERROR - [HttpListenCommand.cc:115]IPv6 RPC: failed to bind port 6800
- Exception: [SocketCore.cc:310] errorCode=1 Failed to bind a socket, cause: Name or service not known
复制代码 在浏览器输入网址http://测试时回显:
- 1({"error":{"code":-32700,"message":"Parse error."},"id":null,"jsonrpc":"2.0"})
复制代码 使用WEB前端http://ziahamza.github.io/webui-aria2/ 无法访问。
- #Aria2 configuration
- # RPC Setting
- #
- enable-rpc=true
- rpc-listen-all=true
- rpc-allow-origin-all=true
- rpc-listen-port=6800
- rpc-user=user
- rpc-passwd=password
- # General Setting
- #
- dir=/mnt/disk1/downloads
- input-file=/mnt/disk1/aria2/aria2.session
- save-session=/mnt/disk1/aria2/aria2.session
- save-session-interval=60
- log=/mnt/disk1/aria2/aria2.log
- log-level=warn
- #event-poll=select
- disk-cache=16M
- #enable-mmap=true
- file-allocation=none
- peer-id-prefix=-UT2210-
- user-agent=uTorrent/2210(25130)
- # Connection Setting
- #
- continue=true
- max-connection-per-server=5
- max-concurrent-downloads=3
- min-split-size=1M
- split=5
- max-overall-download-limit=0
- max-overall-upload-limit=50K
- max-upload-limit=20
- lowest-speed-limit=20K
- auto-save-interval=120
- check-certificate=false
- # BT/PT Setting
- #
- bt-require-crypto=true
- bt-max-peers=300
- enable-peer-exchange=true
- bt-enable-lpd=true
- enable-dht=true
- listen-port=48028
- dht-listen-port=48028
- follow-torrent=true
- force-save=true
- bt-seed-unverified=true
- bt-save-metadata=true
- bt-hash-check-seed=true
- bt-remove-unselected-file=false
- bt-stop-timeout=900
- seed-ratio=1
- seed-time=525600
复制代码 执行方式是在rc.local里面加入语句:
- aria2c --conf-path=path/to/aria2/aria2.conf
复制代码 单独执行这条语句时,报错与log日志里的一样。