本帖最后由 WindLand 于 2013-4-7 17:37 编辑
This driver is not recommended now. For the new gpio driver "gpio-sunxi" is coming. So don't follow this.
为了方便老外,更新为双语版[2013-2-6] (英文很烂,见笑了)
**En**what is GPIO? what you can see is the 96 pin on the board. it can be used in : connecting to other device or sensor, eg. LED , motor , relay...
**En**Theoretically,It can do all what the c51 board can do.
**En**after testing on many kernel for many days , I took the first step finally. I light a LED.
**En**the simple step:
**En**compile the sun4i-gpio.ko driver that match the version of your kernel, mine is 3.0.57+
**En**the source of driver and kernel can be found here: link above.
**En**copy your .ko file to the path above, replace 3.0.57+ to yours. i hope you can make it without error, god bless you.
**En**then modify the script.bin:turn it to script.fex, add the gpio_para, and return .fex back to script.bin. now put the .bin back, overwite the old one
**En**gpio_para config(I just test 4 pin):
gpio_used = 1
gpio_num = 4
gpio_pin_1 = port:PG00<1><default><default><default>
gpio_pin_2 = port:PB19<1><default><default><default>
gpio_pin_3 = port:PG02<1><default><default><default>
gpio_pin_4 = port:PG04<1><default><default><default>
引脚名字请参考 http://linux-sunxi.org/Cubieboard#Expansion_ports
**En**the name after port:(like PG00) you will refer the link above for more.
the number(1) stand for mode . 0 = make the pin work for input , 1 = for output
驱动和script.bin放进去后,把卡插回到cubieboard,启动,在系统中加载你编译好的驱动:insmod /lib/modules/3.0.57+(换为你的内核版本)/kernel/drivers/misc/sun4i-gpio.ko
**En**when you make the driver and the .bin , put uSD back to slot , rock it now! insmod the .ko you just made.
**En**i use the pin named PG0 for my testing,accroding to the wiki, it's on the #5 of U15, so i connect the +DuPont line of LED to this pin, and the GND line to #19 of U19
然后通过 echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/misc/sun4i-gpio/pin/***来向对应的针脚输出高电平(***代表对应的针脚,echo 0则为低电平),当然也可以用C语言来实现。
**En**finally , follow the command on your console: echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/misc/sun4i-gpio/pin/pg0 (1=high vol . 0=low vol), you can make it via other program such as c or python.
Allwinner do not care too much for the GPIOs as they primary support Android and their major market is the tablet manufacturers. This SUN4I-GPIO is made by Tom Cubie who work at Allwinner and made available to community, this driver though is not so flexible as the sysfs and you can’t switch between input and output easily.
With this driver you permanently assign one port to be input or output in the script.bin and when this gpio kernel module is loading it reads from script.bin the assignments and make them permanently, so if you want to change some GPIO to input or output you have to unload the driver make change in the script.bin and load it again and this is ugly
输入模式和输出模式 是在 script.bin里面定义死的!!有木有!!!
在此上传一个我编译好的 sun4i-gpio.ko (仅适用于内核 3.0.57+)
**En** I have upload the sun4i-gpio.ko here.(just for kernel 3.0.57+)
(2.82 KB, 下载次数: 374)
If u a interesting in GPIO, refer to my another article <Driven a stepper motor on Cubieboard> (sorry for “chinese only”,you can translate it by google) #^_^#